Tuesday, May 4, 2010

Reasons why...

Hello big world out there! Welcome to my blog. I just want to drag you along on my journey back to me! Quite a few years ago I got myself in a bad funk. You see I just didn't care anymore, about pretty much anything. That led me into a downward spiral of despair that I wallowed in for a very very very long time. Boy did I get fat. I swallowed my feelings alright, my feelings and just about everything else that was convenient and soothing. I gained over 150lbs! It almost doesn't seem real to me. I started out hating my life and ended up hating me.
I now weight 302.6lbs,(311.4 at my heaviest)...yikes. Ive learned a lot from being fat. I actually knew these things when I was thin but just never had to live it. Now I live it every day. The world just does not like fat people. I'm not crying the blues, I'm just saying. I had a great figure until I was in my late twenties and then the trouble began. I got to see both sides of the coin and I can sure tell you which side I liked better! Here are the top ten reasons I hate being obese.....(drum roll please....)

10. Not fitting, worrying about not fitting - Gone are the days of roller coasters, compact cars and travelling by plane, at least without anxiety! I remember the flight to my honeymoon. The seat belt was so tight I spent the whole first day in pain. I would never ask for a seat belt extender and at the time I didn't even know such a thing existed. What a pain in the A$$!

9. All things flowery and elastic waists - Just because I'm fat does not mean I have no fashion sense. I am not an old lady, nor do I wish to resemble the furniture at my grandmothers place. I am not so fat that I need an elastic waist on my clothes and if anyone thinks that will make me feel MORE comfortable, they are wrong!

8. Holidays - Christmas, Easter, weddings, even birthdays. All these cause me great anxiety and grief. Nothing to wear, everyone I haven't seen in forever talking about how much fatter Ive got from last year. OK, maybe they don`t say it to my face but I know they are all thinking it. All my fault...man it sucks!!

7. Being Uncomfortable - I'm uncomfortable in the summer because it`s too hot and all the weight doesn't help. I'm uncomfortable in the winter because you have to wear extra clothes and that only makes me appear bigger thus I'm more uncomfortable. I'm uncomfortable in my clothes since at the best of times they don't fit right. Even being naked is uncomfortable, actually the most uncomfortable since it`s reality at its finest!!! eeks!

6. Eating in Public - Lets face it. Everyone judges what you eat when you're fat. If you eat something not so healthy people think ``No wonder she`s so fat, look what she is eating`` if you are eating a salad, people think ``who does she think she is fooling, she didn't get that big eating salads!`` Its true, people think that, don't deny it....

5. Being Unhealthy - Oh the perils of being fat, high blood pressure, Diabetes, heart attacks lurking around every corner. Dreading annual checkups or having all too many visits to the doctor as a result of being over weight. I'm entirely sick of it. No pun intended. teehee.

4. Never wanting my photo taken - Besides being immortalized in a horrible photo that makes me look fatter than I actually am, being tagged on facebook in that photo is even worse! I don't even have a profile picture up on facebook I'm so embarrassed. I feel so horrible not having family photos with my kids and hubby. Get the picture.

3. Bathing suit horror - OK, need I explain? If this title seems a bit over the top to you then you then maybe you don't need to lose that much weight.

2. Mirrors - Just when you think you're having a pretty good day along comes this idiot to screw things up. Thanks a lot Mirror.

1. ALL of the above + 1000 - I'm sure this needs no explanation.

Well there you have it. My top 10. Im sure there are other more irritating things I could have put in my Top 10 but those were just the ones that came to mind. They all suck. These reasons plus a million other reasons I never mentioned are the reason why Im so done with being overweight.

I want to have a love affair with my mirror and frame family pictures, feel pretty and confident and healthy. Im so done with this bull that has ruined my life. Feel free to follow me and my musings on my journey of reduction. Approx 150lbs to go. One day at a time!!

1 comment:

Farsy said...

Welcome! If you ever need someone to talk to, I'm your woman! :)