Saturday, May 8, 2010

Making a plan......

Since I made the decision to commit to this journey once and for all I guess Id better figure out a plan for myself. Making a plan can be scary but is definitely necessary. I say it can be scary because Ive made such lofty plans before and never followed through. Ive decided this time though that I have to succeed as my life depends on it! I figure I must follow a Dr. Phil-ism....Dr. Phil says, If you do what you've always done, your gonna get what you've always gotten! LOL Gotta love some of those sayings!! Anyways, what he means is if we are to succeed we must try something different than the same failed plans that we tried before. They only led us to failure. Perhaps not even the plans themselves but the attitude towards them, the commitment put forth, etc..

In light of this, Iver decided to try something completely different! Ive decided to make myself super accountable! Ive decided that although I might not always make the best choices everyday, I must take responsibility for those choices. You see what I feel got me into this mess in the first place was not taking accountability for my life. One day melted into the next, eating, bingeing, lazing around. I never thought twice about it half the time until I had to go out in public and face my reality. I just didn't care about myself, or at least enough to make my life meaningful. This is what I am going to change!

I'm going to take all my measurements and post them. I'm going to Keep a food diary. I'm going to keep an exercise diary. I'm going to post my weigh in results weekly. I'm going to try drinking more water and planning my meals. I'm going to blog, blog, blog. Hell, I might even post some pictures at some point!

How do you make your self accountable??

1 comment:

Farsy said...

Just remember to give yourself some leeway, especially when just starting out. Don't say "I will exercise for 1 hour 7 days a week" because you may not, which will upset you which may cause you to give up. Just saying because it's happened to me :)